Barry Loser - BARRY LOSER: TOTAL WINNER (Barry Loser)

By Jim Smith

‘Ridonkulously funny and every kid should get their hooter into this Total Winner of graphic novel’ – JENNY PEARSON,The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates

‘Hugely enjoyable, surreal chaos’ GUARDIAN on Barry Loser

‘The review of the 8-year-old boy in our house,“Can I keep it to give to a friend?” Best recommendation you can get’ OBSERVER

Brand new adventures for Barry Loser in this new series of full colour graphic novels from the author of My Big Fat Smelly Poo Diary – perfect for fans of DogMan, Happy Hills and Bunny vs Monkey

Barry Loser is back! And his adventures are even dafter than before!

Dads turning onto vending machines, grown ups stories that send you to sleep and so much more!

  • 3 short brilliantly bit-size full colour graphic novel stories
  • Full of adventure, silliness, friendship and fun!
  • Bonus ‘how to draw’ sections to help you make your own comic books!

In the first book, Barry has had enough of being a loser and wants to prove he’s a Total Winner, but when his parents ban him from gaming he has to think outside of the box … Barry also has a new cat called French Fries – the keelest cat ever amen.

Have you got all of Jim Smith’s amazekeel books?

Barry Loser: I am not a loser

Barry Loser: I am still not a loser

Barry Loser: I am so over being a loser

Barry Loser: I am sort of a loser

Barry Loser and the holiday of doom

Barry Loser and the case of the crumpled carton

Barry Loser hates half term

Barry Loser and the birthday billions

Barry Loser: worst school trip ever!

Barry Loser is the best at football NOT

Barry Loser and the trouble with pets

My dad is a loser free ebook

My mum is a loser free ebook

Future Ratboy and the attack of the killer robot grannies

Future Ratboy and the invasion of the nom-noms

Future Ratboy and the quest for the missing thingy

The Super Weird Mysteries

Danger at Donut Diner

Attack of the Haunted Lunchbox

My Pencil Case is a Time Machine

Jim Smith’s books have sold 840k copies in the English language, and sold in 17 territories. He won the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, the Scholastic Lollies award, was shortlisted for the Waterstones prize, and had a World Book Day book.

Author: Jim Smith
Format: E-book
Ageband: 7 to 9
Release Date: 02 Jun 2022
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-852361-9
Jim Smith is the keelest kids’ book author in the whole wide world amen. He graduated from art school with first class honours (the best you can get) and went on to create the branding Puccino coffee shops.Jim has also illustrated kids\' food packaging for M&S, drawn cartoons on the sides of PJ smoothies, created in-store graphics for Orange phone stores, designed book covers, an entire range of worldwide betselling Waldo Pancake stationery and branded a New York based Iced Tea company.The Barry Loser has sold all ovr the world and \'I am Still Not a Loser’, was the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2013. In 2017, Jim won the Scholastic Laugh out Loud book award for ‘Future Ratboy and the Invasion of the Nom Noms’.There are now three full-colour Barry Loser graphic novels to follow the super succesful original series and Jim is also the author of ‘My Big Fat Smelly Poo Diary’.

Praise for the Barry Loser series: -

”'Hugely enjoyable, surreal chaos” - Guardian

”'What’s not to love?” - Sun

”'The review of the 8-year-old boy in our house . . . 'Can I keep it to give to a friend?' Best recommendation you can get” - Observer

”'Will make you laugh out loud, cringe and snigger at the same time” - LoveReading4Kids

”'If you love Tom Gates and Wimpy Kid, you’ll love these too!” - Sam, aged 10

”'I laughed so much I thought I was going to burst!” - Finbar, aged 9