Barry Loser - I am still not a Loser (Barry Loser)
The second book in the brilliant Roald Dahl Funny Prize winning BARRY LOSER series. Perfect for readers aged 7-10 years old and fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Tom Gates and Dennis the Menace.
You know when someone’s horrible to you in a dream and you wake up really annoyed with them? That’s what happened to me with my best friend Bunky.
Barry has a new problem: Gordon Smugly – who’s got the most perfect name for himself ever in the history of having a name, because he looks like a Gordon and is smug and ugly – has stolen Barry’s best friend. Join Barry as he attempts to get Bunky back, organises a girly-screamvoice test and tries to avoid seeing his teacher kissing his gran.
Have you got all of Jim Smith’s amazekeel books?
I am not a Loser
I am still not a Loser
I am so over being a Loser
I am sort of a Loser
Barry Loser and the holiday of doom
Barry Loser and the case of the crumpled carton
Barry Loser’s ultimate book of keelness
Barry Loser hates half term
My mum is a loser
My dad is a loser
Future Ratboy and the attack of the killer robot grannies
Future Ratboy and the invasion of the nom noms
Future Ratboy and the quest for the missing thingy
Barry Loser: I am Not a Loser was selected as a Tom Fletcher Book Club 2017 title.
Jim Smith is the keelest kids’ book author in the whole wide world amen. He graduated from art school with first class honours (the best you can get) and went on to create the branding for a sweet little chain of coffee shops. He also designs cards and gifts under the name Waldo Pancake.